
yoga, meditation, vipassana-4849683.jpg
In Search of the Sacred Masculine
We come into this world physically as a “man” or a “woman” but energetically we each have qualities of both. Some are born into a body of one gender and later identify as another – further evidence that...
Shoe insoles
Superfeet Green vs Blue Compared
The technology of insoles has advanced considerably over the years and the Superfeet creators are among the masters of making insoles that help improve performance and alleviate pain. These...
Dad's shoes
Best New Balance Dad Shoes Guide
Father’s day is coming up soon, and what will you get for Dad? Another tie? A gift card for his favorite restaurant chain? A sizeable thermal drink mug to keep his beverages cold or hot all day long? After...
New Balance Trail Runners
Best New Balance Trail Running Shoes
Summer is almost here, and the snow is receding from the mountain peaks. It’s that time of the year to check through your gear closet and see if you are ready to hit the trails. If the tread is looking...
Exercise equipment for standing desk
How to Find The Best Standing Desk Exercise Equipment
If you have made the transition from sitting to standing at your office desk or you have gone modern with an automated sit-stand desk that allows you to do some of each, you are probably...
Standing Desk
How to Find the Best Standing Desks
Working from home was limited to a select few companies before Covid-19 but now, as the pandemic continues into another year, working from home is becoming the “new norm” for many employees. It is time...
LED Lamps
The Best LED Desk Lamps
LED lights are no longer the “future light” they are the light of now and for good reason. They consume up to 80% less electricity compared to old incandescent light bulbs and they last much much longer....
Woman on a treadmill
Real Relax 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill Review
In this Real Relax 2 in 1 Under Desk Treadmill Review, we are going to have a look at one of the tops under desk treadmills on the Amazon Market. It is the Real Relax 2in 1 Under Desk Treadmill....
Bottle of Warsteiner Beer
Warsteiner Oktoberfest Review and Guide
Once a year, several brewers of German Lager’s produce their limited edition “Oktoberfest beers”. In the “official” Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany, there are only 6 beers served in the massive Oktoberfest...
Bottle of Pacifico beer
Pacifico Beer Review and Guide
Surfs Up! Let’s take a little trip down south of the border where a once little-known German lager was created on the Pacific coast of Sinaloa, Mexico, in a little port town called Mazatlán. “Cerveza Pacifico...