About Us

It really is "about us." All of us doing our part to make life magical, safe, and kind. I write stories, fiction and non-fiction to offer my contribution to the betterment of this world and all who live here.

It Takes a Village

I was a massage therapist for 30 years. It was one of the best careers I could have chosen.

The stories shared, both verbally and non-verbally, have been invaluable to my own healing journey and have given me material to help others with theirs. 

After a shoulder surgery plus the pandemic, my side job as a writer became my main work. At first there was a sadness to leaving my healing profession then I realized, it continues in a new form through my writing.

I see a world that needs re-uniting. These times of separation and division are depleting our energy, our health, and the health of the planet. Let’s see what we can do together to remember our wholeness and get back to the ethics of kindness.

Many hands united by nature

My Mission

To write content about products or ideals that promote health and wellbeing. To create stories that lift the human spirit, inspire hope and offer guidance that leads us to find inner peace so that we attract more peace all around us.

My Values

As I say in my tag line, “Writing with conscience”. I choose to use my skills as a writer to promote honesty, integrity, healthy choices, healthy lifestyles, and a healthy imagination so me can manifest the best outcomes.

“We are the ones we have been waiting for”

Joe Dispenza